What You Will Find on This Website: |
To make things easier for return visitors to the Art of Chris Barber website, I have added an Updates Page which summarizes recent additons and revisions.
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It's hardly surprising that a band that's remained in continuous existence for more than fifty years should have experienced some personnel changes. In fact, what is surprising is the remarkable stability of the personnel, best expressed in the five-decade partnership of Pat Halcox and Chris Barber. Here's the story of the Chris Barber Band, told mainly through pictures of individual musicians and the lineups to which they belonged. |
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As a Chris Barber fan since the early 1960s, I have been able to compile a fairly extensive collection of Barber records. Here are lists of the CDs and vinyl recordings that I own, together with titles, recording dates, and personnel for about 1100 tracks. |
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In 2001 I made a large poster showing 63 record covers. Here is some more information about the poster and a link to a larger version. |
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Eventually, I am planning to use these pages to show the covers of all the Chris Barber records I own. I've made a start at a Covers Page, which has links to just a few covers so far. Each separate cover page will include notes, comments, track lists, and occasionally excerpts from one of the tracks. |
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Over the years, probably thousands of photographs -- amateur and professional, posed and informal -- have been taken of the Chris Barber Band and its individual members. The purpose of the Photographs of Chris Barber and the Band pages is to archive and make public interesting examples of these photographs, which otherwise would rarely be available for widespread public viewing. |
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The "Definitive Chris Barber Collection" -- a compilation of my favourite Barber tracks, originally on seven CDs but increased to eight after my collection grew. The first seven CDs are in chronological order, while the last one includes "post-compilation" music. Now, of course, after a couple of years and an ever-expanding collection, I will have to start again.... |
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The Julian Purser page: Julian Purser is the official archivist for the Chris Barber Jazz and Blues Band and, along with Gerard Bielderman of Holland, is co-author of the band's discography. Julian has agreed to post articles, reviews and news from time to time on this website. |
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Miscellaneous stuff: concert program covers, articles and pictures I have kept since the early 1960s, and so on.... |
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Links to other Chris Barber sites and pages on the web. |