The Autobiography of Chris Barber "Jazz Me Blues", written by Chris Barber with Alyn Shipton, was released in February 2014. Until now we have not yet seen or received a full review of he autobiography in English, but we have received these days a great summary by the German Jazz Musician Lutz Eikelmann. Lutz provides us regularely with content about Chris Barber and also about the Skiffle Scene.

We do hope that followers of the Barber band have noticed other reviews and we encourage you to inform us so that we can get in touch with authors / editors.

We are happy to reproduce here Lutz Eikelmann's review, that is also published in the actual issue of the German Jazz journal "Jazz Podium". Our thanks go to Lutz Eikelmann (as author) and Gudrun  Endress, editor of the "Jazz Podium" for their kind permission.   (June 2014)

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