Welcome to the Chris Barber 80th birthday message board.
Please leave a message for Chris.

note: this guestbook has been closed on May 15th, 2010

show entries 1 - 79 of 79
Graham Large
» 13.May 2010 um 22:44Uhr «
Hello Chris
Many congratulations on your 80th birthday. I've been a fan of your music since the mid 1950s when I first heard the recording of the great Festival Hall concert with Monty, Lonnie, Ottilie, Pat, Ron Bowden etc doing among others Ice Cream and have been following you around ever since. No other band has that inimitable bounce that you have whenever you play and I look forward to many more years of sheer enjoyment. Best wishes.
Ingrid Müller-Marx
» 10.May 2010 um 01:03Uhr «
Dear Chris Barber,
from the bottom of my heart best wishes to you and happy birthday. I´ve seen and drawn you yesterday at Wiehl. What an energy and love to music you give! Phantastic, also the band. Thanks!!
Swinging greetings, Ingrid
dennis Honley
» 05.May 2010 um 21:22Uhr «
A very Happy 80th Birthday Chris.
I have been a fan since day one ( giving my age away ), We do not see enough of you in Kent, especially now the Marlow is being rebuilt. Hope you will be invited to the grand reopening.
Hope you had a lovely day.
You are my No 1 in the Trad World.
Best Wishes
Ross Culver
» 03.May 2010 um 11:42Uhr «
Dear Chris,congratulations on your 80th Birthday,you have been an inspiration to us all over the years we have tuned into your music,
Ross Culver.D/Bass on behalf of :
Tom Kerr.Trombone
Roy Wardle .Trumpet
Doug Farquhar.Banjo
Alan Meakin.Clarinet
members of
The Twin City Stompers Trad Band
Hawke's Bay New Zealand
douglas gerrard
» 30.April 2010 um 17:53Uhr «
dear chris,
very many happy returns on your "young" 80th!
live in kaarst, germany, for over 40 years and always come to hear you - longstanding fan from my schooldays - still have my first ep with
"misty morning"!!
all the very best and thanks for so many years of great pleasure you and your band have given me and thousands of others.
hope to see/hear you before too long.

Ray Green
» 27.April 2010 um 08:07Uhr «
All the very best from the NZ contingent.

Currently planning to be over summer 2011 (end July) so look forward to catching up yet again. Keep up the good work!
Henning Reinke
» 26.April 2010 um 11:14Uhr «
Lieber Chris,
alles, alles Gute zu Deinem 80. Geburtstag wünscht Dir Henning aus Brinkum bei Bremen. Ich habe mich seit über vierzig Jahren über Deine Musik bei vielen Konzerten gefreut. Feier schön und bis bald in Bremen!!!
Rudolf Tosenovsky
» 26.April 2010 um 08:43Uhr «
Dear Chris,late Birthday Congratulation to You.I was in Hloiday till now.

Thank You for Your lovely Concert in Munich and for the Picture that I make with You and my Husband.

Lovely Greetings from Vienna.
Perhaps You will play in sometime.

Your big Fan

Rudolf Tosenovsky
Klaus Müller
» 25.April 2010 um 01:18Uhr «
Etwas verspätet - aber um so herzlichere
Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag.
Alles Gute und hoffentlich wieder im Sommer
auf SYLT.

Dein alter Fan von der INSEL SYLT

Knud Daugaard
» 21.April 2010 um 09:29Uhr «
Dear Chris

Hope to see you in Denmark in 2010 - again.
Thank you for all!

Knud Daugaard
» 21.April 2010 um 01:27Uhr «
Happy Birthday Chris
When will we have you here again in Edinburgh - or anywhere this year even?
I'd really love to get to one of your gigs again some time soon.
I still remember the feeling from your gigs in the seventies - play it again - -.
From a youthful 47 year old (currently lapsed trombonist).
salutations and very best wishes
Lutz Eikelmann
Web: http://www.lutz-eik...
» 20.April 2010 um 16:11Uhr «
Oh, somebody from the Halle Orchestra... Karl Halle had the same birthplace as I have: Hagen in Westfalen, Germany. Future World capitol!
mark mc alister
Web: http://halle.co.uk
» 20.April 2010 um 12:20Uhr «
Hi Chris.
happy birthday ,all the best ,on reaching 80 !,from a whole host of fans in Manchester I am the second generation in my family to follow you and the band from my teens (53) now .thanks so much for the music and pleasure you have given me from the free trade hall days ,to the bridgewater hall , i am based at the bridge water with the Halle orchestra love to get a concert together if poss (as you mentioned in the times) keep on blowing Chris ! mark mc alister
Storyville Jazzclub
» 19.April 2010 um 20:56Uhr «
Dear Donald Cristopher Barber,

Congratulations with your 80. birthday!!!

We wish you at least 50 years more with powerfull lungs (and the rest) to make sure that you will play the coming years your wonderfull music and keep the lead of the band (and of course not only for those reasons). We enjoyed your concert on 23 january in Arnhem very much. Everyone was very enthousiastic!!

We hope to meet you with the band again (next year?).

Kind regards,

Storyville Jazzclub Arnhem (netherlands)

Leo van Weele (president)
Uwe Giesecke
» 18.April 2010 um 23:38Uhr «
Dear Chris,
another bunch of flowers from cuxhaven. I love the great music you have been playing for decades. Best wishes for the future and many more concerts in Germany.
Peter Günther
» 18.April 2010 um 23:23Uhr «
Hi Chris.
Just saw a replay of Your Concert at Burghausen in 2005 on tv which was replayed to honour Your 80th. Really great music !
Thanks for all Your singles and lp's.
I wish You the best and keep on playing.
colin & les
» 18.April 2010 um 21:50Uhr «
Chris wshing you all the best see u soon
Imre Karacsonyi
» 18.April 2010 um 20:55Uhr «
Dear Chris Barber!
We wish you a happy birthday and we are congratulating to your 80th!!
We are also sending nice greetings to you, your band and Zoltan Sagi.

Greetings from Austria, Lienz

Imre Karacsonyi and son
Wolfgang Schenk
» 18.April 2010 um 19:59Uhr «
Hello dear Chris,
I will send you the best wishes. For the future go on with your great music and your great band. I hope always have the best healthy and your great joy to keep this kind of jazz with his many colours. We meet 9th November last year at your concert in Karlsruhe. Before the concert we had a niceconversation and I´m very glad that you signatured my trombone.
Sincerly Wolfgang

(P.S. I´m loooking forward to your next concert in the area oft Stuttgart)
Ingrid Hahn
» 18.April 2010 um 09:39Uhr «
Lieber Chris Barber,
zum Geburtstag die besten Wünsche.Weiterhin
Gesundheit und mit Ihrer Band noch viele musikalische Erlebnisse.
Vor allem aber möchte ich Dank sagen für Ihre
Musik,die mich über 50 Jahre begleitet und mein
Leben bereichert hat.
Schön,daß Sie bei uns sind.
Danke! Ingrid Hahn
Matthias Hündgen
» 17.April 2010 um 21:38Uhr «
Hi Chris,

herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Vollendung von 80 Lebensjahren.
Hoffentlich können Sie den Tag in bester Gesundheit verbringen. Dies wünsche ich Ihnen auf für die kommenden, hoffentlich noch zahlreichen Jahre.

Matthias Hündgen

P.S. Lassen Sie sich doch noch einmal in Aachen oder Umgebung sehen/hören.
Wolfgang Kuhn
Web: http://www.jazzundf...
» 17.April 2010 um 21:16Uhr «
Lieber Chris Barber,

Vorstand, Mitglieder und Deine Fans in und um Cuxhaven gratulieren ganz herzlich zu Deinem
Geburtstag! Die Konzerte mit Deinen Musikern bei uns in den historischen HAPAG-Hallen gehörten in der 24-jährigen Geschichte des Vereins Jazz und Folk Cuxhaven e.V. immer zu den absoluten Highlights - sowohl von der Qualität als auch von den Besucherzahlen!
Wir hoffen, Du kannst Deinen Geburtstag im Kreise lieber Menschen in Gesundheit genießen!
Alles Liebe und Gute
Wolfgang Kuhn
(1. Vorsitzender JFC)
Peter Kazubski
» 17.April 2010 um 19:31Uhr «
Lieber Mr. Barber,
ich war gerade 17 Jahre alt, als ich am 23.Mai 1959 in der berliner Deutschlandhalle mein erstes Jazzkonzert mit Ihrer Band erleben durfte. Ein Erlebnis, das mich bis in die heutigen Tage mit viel Freude und Begeisterung begleitet hat.
Dafür möchte ich mich bei Ihnen auf diesem Wege ganz herzlich bedanken und wünsche Ihnen bei guter Gesundheit noch viel Freude und ein nicht ausgehendes Bluesfeeling.
Peter Kazubski
Kalle Esselborn
» 17.April 2010 um 18:36Uhr «
Dear Chris or Mr. Chris Barber
Happy Birthday and at first best healthiness for the next 80 years...
Kalle, admirer long time ago!
Lemi Gsteiger
Web: http://www.lemis.ch
» 17.April 2010 um 18:27Uhr «
Dear Chris
I wish you all the best and have a great birthday. I wish you a lot of health, that you can still play for many jears with your Band. Thanks for your wonderful music!
Dietmar Hoeger
» 17.April 2010 um 18:13Uhr «
Dear Chris, hallo, MR Barber,
congratulations on your birthday, the best for your live, the best health und very best oft music.
since 50 years- all of possible concerts, CD and DVD...
with the best wishes und greeting from Halle / East Germany
Dietmar Hoeger and family
Alastair Banks
» 17.April 2010 um 18:02Uhr «
Happy birthday Chris, and many happy returns. Thanks for decades of peerless music, and enriching the lives of so many people - and this one in particular !
Poul Villum
» 17.April 2010 um 17:48Uhr «
Congratulations on your birthday, Chris and MANY,MANY happy returns of the day.
Best wishes
Poul Villum, DK
Fan since 1954
Andreas Lerbs
» 17.April 2010 um 17:40Uhr «
Dear Chris,

from three generations of Chris Barber fans in our family Happy Birthday to you and thousand thanks for your wonderful music.

With our very best wishes and greetings from Freiburg/Germany

Andreas Lerbs and family
» 17.April 2010 um 16:46Uhr «
Lieber Chris,
Seit meinem Ersterlebnis als Schüler im Marquee,Oxfordst. bewundere ich Ihre Musik und erlebe jedes erreichbare Konzert, demnächst in Wiehl.
Herzliche Glückwünsche zum 80. Geburtstag
und keep swinging for many more jears!
Jours Dr.D.Encke
David Wheatley
» 17.April 2010 um 16:25Uhr «
Congratulations for enjoying continued success with the bands. Favourite sessions were at Royal Forest Chingford in the mid sixties with Kenny Washington and Sevenoaks 4 years ago when you provided great live Jazz & Blues to several teenagers in our party!

Our very best wishes for a great celebration.

David Wheatley
Gerd Spintig
» 17.April 2010 um 14:40Uhr «
Grüß Gott, Herr Barber,
aus allem, was ich bisher gelesen habe, spricht eine unglaubliche Liebe zu Ihrer Musik. Von einer river-boat-shuffle im Hamburger Hafen Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zu Ihren letzten Konzerten in der Münchener Philharmonie hat mich kaum etwas so angerührt und begeistert, wie Ihre Musik.
Dafür mein herzlichster Dank!!
Zu Ihrem 80. Geburtstag und die kommenden Lebensjahre wünsche ich Ihnen von Herzen alles Gute!
Gerd Spintig
jockel meise
Web: http://Meise-Reisen.de
» 17.April 2010 um 13:23Uhr «
Dear Chris! Happy Birthday and all the best to you ,health ,happyness,love and a lot of good music for the next 20 jears. jockel and all fans from Berlin.
Lutz Eikelmann again
Web: http://www.lutz-eik...
» 17.April 2010 um 11:24Uhr «
It is a great day today.

Above the German Ruhr Area is "Kaiserwetter" = means: great weather without any clouds, but with a clear blue sky and wonderful sunshine. The heaven is greeting to YOUR birthday!

Maddy Curtis
» 17.April 2010 um 10:10Uhr «
Dear Chris,
Wishing you a wonderful 80th birthday!
Listening to brian mathews on the radio this morning and a tribute to your birthday was played. Good to hear jazz on radio 2! I know if my dear dad, Julian purser, was still with us we would be playing jazz ALL day!
Hope you have a wonderful day. Many happy returns!
Best wishes
Maddy Curtis
Sam Ellicott
» 17.April 2010 um 10:01Uhr «
Happy Birthday, Chris! Thank you so much for all the years of pleasure from you and the band. Such happy memories and we hope to see you again very soon (?Symphony Hall or even Lichfield!)
Have a great day! Cheers!
John Fitch
» 17.April 2010 um 09:45Uhr «
Hi Chris,

have a great birthday - and many more
I was at your 1955 Festival Hall concert,
and have been collecting your records ever since.

Thank you for your music; it would be great to
bump into you again at Stansted!!

My wife and I live in Stevenage - we came to
your concert with Pat - she works in WGC -
please don't forget us on your next tour.

Thank you for your music, and your staying power

Have a great day love to you all
Harald Freyda
» 17.April 2010 um 09:22Uhr «
Lieber Chris!
Seit nunmehr 52 Jahren (Ihr erstes Konzert Habe ich 1958 in Wuppertal gesehen) bin ich Ein grosser Fan Ihrer wunderbaren Musik.
Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Spass mit der Musik und für den heutigen Tag Eine tolle Feier.
Bleiben SiE bei bester Gesundheit, und KOMMEN SiE mit Ihrer Band Noch einmal in die Nähe meiner jetzigen Heimatstadt Rheda-Wiedenbrück.
Harald Freyda
» 17.April 2010 um 07:48Uhr «
Dear Chris
all the very best to your special birthday!
And once more I'd like to say thank your for the good music over all the decades...you're still going strong!!
Werner, Winterthur (the one left...)
Jim Tancock
» 17.April 2010 um 03:44Uhr «
Dear Chris, its a pleasure to be able to use the internet to wish you a very Happy 80th Birthday..how times have changed since the 45 rpm records etc..so have yourself another wonderful day and Best Wishes from New Zealand..Jim T.
Lutz Eikelmann
Web: http://www.lutz-eik...
» 17.April 2010 um 00:40Uhr «
Dear Chris,

I can not congratulate too much to your birthday and I just want to send you my very best wishes and very best regards!

I want to thank you for being a big inspiration all over the years although I have almost never copied your music, except our recording of ITS TIGHT LIKE THAT of February 2000 which came close to your versions, but I guess that is the song!

All the best, God bless you! Have a great birthday!

Milan Hala
» 16.April 2010 um 20:20Uhr «
Dear Chris, many cordial thanks of my people and friends. We listen to your music already 45years, every day. I do not know the band better. Movie (its trad dad) was an iconic piece of our youth. We wish you good health and good proof in the following years.¨
Finn Blytmann
» 16.April 2010 um 17:17Uhr «
Dear Chris, Greetings from Copenhagen. Your jazzclub appearances and recordings made in Denmark in 1953 and 1954 with Ken Colyer and your own jazzband were crucial to the development of Danish revival jazz. (Your 1952 recordings with the local Gentofte heroes 'The Ramblers' have almost achieved cult status!). Your music influenced a whole generation of Danish jazz musicians and jazz lovers and your dedication to the music is still a great inspiration to us all. I have attended regularly your concerts ever since I was young, and I recall the joy of going to your Wednesday night appearances with Ottilie Patterson at the Marquee Club in Soho in the spring of 1966. Thank you Chris, Congratulations - please Play On!
Gerhard Sandfort
» 15.April 2010 um 19:54Uhr «
Dear Nr. Barber,
best wishes for you!
And thanks a lot for all the good music
the great concerts and all the joy you
brought into my life
George Vincent
» 15.April 2010 um 16:31Uhr «
Both my wife and I are looking forward to seeing you in Wimborne this evening. My Sister in law has even come over from Sweden to attend this concert. Thanks to you and the band for many happy hours of listening, and our Best Wishes to you for your 80th on Saturday.
George and Gunilla Vincent.
Pavel Bufka
» 15.April 2010 um 12:31Uhr «
Sehr geehrter Herr Barber, ich schliesse mich den vielen Gluckwunschen zum Geburtstag ein und wunsche weiterhin gute Gesundheit und viel Glück, damit Sie uns und Ihre Musik noch lange live erhalten bleibt.
Ihr grosser Fan Pavel aus Tschechien.
Werner Naasner
» 15.April 2010 um 09:50Uhr «
Dear Mr. Barber, thank you for the music - my wife and me listened to your wonderful concerts so many times. Happy birthday to you and best wishes for the future.
Werner Naasner (from Germany)
Roland Wildi
» 14.April 2010 um 15:56Uhr «
Dear Chris
Congratulations and my best wishes for your 80th birthday. I have attended regularly your concerts since 1960 once or twice a year. In the sixties, I enjoyed your music preferably in Aarau and since decades in the Theater am Kirchplatz in Schaan and sometimes also in the Excelsior in Arosa. I remember with pleasure many small talks with you after the concerts. Hope to see you soon again in Liechtenstein.
Derek Paramor
» 13.April 2010 um 10:25Uhr «
This is my third attempt ot wish you a happy birthday, so take it for your 85 th and 90th too! Norrie
» 11.April 2010 um 22:40Uhr «
Hi Chris,
I will be attending your Concert at pendley on the night before your Birthday. I am probably one of your Youngest fans. I mean, being 13 I was hooked to your music instantly!
Baz Durrant
» 11.April 2010 um 22:28Uhr «
Dear Chris
Hooked since first seeing you & the band back in 1969, So a giant birthday wish to you & an equally giant thankyou for all the marvelous music that you have given us.
From Baz Durrant
Chris Albertson
Web: http://stomp-off.bl...
» 11.April 2010 um 04:45Uhr «
Dear Chris,

Here's wishing you many happy returns on your 80th. I'm not far behind you!

Hartmut Görgens
» 10.April 2010 um 13:04Uhr «
Dear Mr. Barber,
with the best wishes for your 80th birthday.
Since 1954 you embellish my life with your wonderful music. Thousand thanks.
Hartmut Görgens

From Germany
» 09.April 2010 um 12:37Uhr «
dear mr.barber,
I hereby congratulate you with your 80th brithday next saturday 17th april.I'm a great fan of you since the day I saw and heard you playing in a concert in rotterdam in 1958.
the last time I attended a concert of you was in
hengelo in 2008.I'm looking forward meeting you in next dec.12th in rotterdam. I wish you a
very healthy and good time ahead of you together with
your family. O,mr. Barber play that thing, play
that slight trombone. thank you very much and good luck
thijs huisman-dordrecht-holland.
colin ramsbottom
» 07.April 2010 um 16:10Uhr «
Have been a fan since the fifties some great concerts in Manchester. fav recording Barber in copenhagen and Margie.
Bea Robbins
» 07.April 2010 um 10:33Uhr «
Chris, you are the best! Blessings to you on your 80th birthday. My favourite CD is the Skiffle CD with you, Van, Lonny & Dr. John....wish I could have been there in person. Any plans to tour Canada, say Vancouver or Kelowna B. C.? To hear you & your band in person would be terrific ,indeed. Love, a Canadian fan, Bea
John Childs
» 03.April 2010 um 23:20Uhr «
Congratulations and thanks for many happy memories dating from a NJF concert at the Festival Hall in Oct/Nov 1954. Some Radio performances, one with Van Morrison which set me Car Radio 'Alight' as I was driving through Willesden one day, were truly fun to listen to. Its a while since we met at the Concorde Club in Eastleigh where another most enjoyable was spent with you,and enthusiastic audiance and the Band. That evening,as with all the others went oh too quickly.

Conratulations again and long may you continue playing. I add my grateful thanks for the marvellous inventive happy music over the Years.
paula carroll
» 31.March 2010 um 23:22Uhr «
Mr Barber I admit, being in my 40s, I had not heard of your band before, but watching you in the 3 Bs at the Liverpool Phil last night, I have to say your outfit had far the best sound.

My father Mr Les Ackerley was with me and very much enjoyed the concert. You may remember him, he was the owner of the Iron Door Club in Liverpool back in the 1960s and says that he booked you on many occasions.

My father was also 80 last week.

Keep on playing and happy birthday


Peter Cobb
» 28.March 2010 um 15:25Uhr «
Hello Chris
Congratulations on your forthcoming 80th birthday. Audrey and myself will be at Buxton tonight and hope to have a chat with you, we are looking forward to the show and hopefully many more.
All the best from a long standing fan 1959 onwards.
Sven Söderbom
» 22.March 2010 um 22:10Uhr «
Congratulations Chris!
See you here in Sweden in September-October.
Keith Payne
» 21.March 2010 um 10:42Uhr «
Hi Chris,

Best wishes for your 80th birthday. I have my tickets for Pendley on April 16th and can't wait. Saw the band regularly over the years first time I can pinpoint was my 21st birthday Jan 19th 1964 at the White Lion Edgeware. The Salisbury in Barnet and Red lion Hatfield were regular trips to see you. The 100 Club of course was a frequently visited including 2 guest spots by you with the John Slaughter band.
Great that the band keeps rollin'

Keith Payne
» 21.March 2010 um 09:51Uhr «
A great concert last night(20th March) at Atlantic college(St Donats Art Centre).Hard to believe Chris is nearly 80!.We hope he can come to Wales again in the near future.He had been away far too long.Best wishes for forthcoming anniversary and thanks to all the band for a great evening yesterday.Reg Kelly.
Lutz Eikelmann
Web: http://www.lutz-eik...
» 18.March 2010 um 08:36Uhr «
Dear Chris,

it is "too early" to send congratulations to your 80th birthday ---- I will do that next month ---- but I just want to thank you for your music today.

I also want to let you know, too, that I have written an article for the Swinging Hamburg Journal regarding your 80th birthday and when it will be published in 2010, I will send you a copy for your knowledge.

Best wishes and best regards from Germany,
Lutz Eikelmann
Bert Gruiters
» 17.March 2010 um 19:34Uhr «
Hi Chris,

Since 1958 i enjoy your band and his music.
i have a large collection of your Cd's and DVd's
When you are in Holland anywhwere then i visit the concert.
Here are my congratulation for your 80th birthday and i hope that you have many years to go in a good health.
I hope to see you in The concert in Rotterdm this year.


Bert Gruiters
Jason Spencer
» 15.March 2010 um 16:59Uhr «
Dear Chris ,
I listened to your band throughout the 50ies and early 60ies and would like to thank you for all that wonderful music and send congratulations on your 80th
brian woodley
» 14.March 2010 um 11:58Uhr «
hi chris and many congrarulations,I used to hear you around wembley area in the 60,s. have just ben playing best of both worlds with ed hall and louis jordan. keep on marching !!
» 14.March 2010 um 11:22Uhr «
Hi Chris,
Congratulations !
I heard you and your band around 1958 at the Ernst-Merck-Halle in Hamburg and I am a fan since then.
» 13.March 2010 um 17:06Uhr «
Have a very happy birthday, Mr. Barber! I used to listen to your music with my four brothers when we lived not far from you in Maida Vale. I was five years old at the time and your music has stayed with me. Love your concerts in Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, please come back soon!
Peter Austin
» 11.March 2010 um 20:23Uhr «
. . . don't know about the fastest Bourbon Street Parade . . . what I do think is that Climax Rag was a fabulous opener to that Berlin LP all those years ago. Great music Mr Donald Christopher Barber and a very happy 80th. Keep on stompin'.

Bent Brandt
» 11.March 2010 um 20:04Uhr «
Hello Chris
I wish you a happy day and thanks a lot for your music through all the years. I heard you and your band back in Virum Bio, Denmark - appr. 1955!
Again with your Big Chris Barber Band in HOlbæk Jazz Club 2007 and 2008 - and I deeply hope to see you back in DK this year!!!!
Please start the concert like 2008 with the fastest and best Borbon Street Parade I ever heard.
Once more happy anniversery!
Brian Rendle
» 09.March 2010 um 17:17Uhr «
A very happy 80th Chris. Here's hoping that you and that great band of yours continue playing and touring for many more years to come. We love to hear you play on our collection of your CDs and, even more, love to see the band live whenever you bring the band to the north of England. Have a wonderful birthday and many more to come.
Brian and Margaret Rendle
Baz Durrant
» 08.March 2010 um 21:58Uhr «
Chris a big birthday wish & a big thankyou for
all the great music you have given us all, it was
at the Dolphin at Botley, Hampshire, that I first
heard & saw you, It was a life "music" changing moment, I even bought a trombone.
Baz Durrant
trevor bradley
» 03.March 2010 um 18:08Uhr «
Hi Chris,
I always used to go and see you every year at Hemel Hempstead when I lived there many years ago.
I still like to listen to your music whenever I am relaxing at home.
Hope you are keeping well.
Heiner Aumüller
» 02.March 2010 um 22:58Uhr «
Dear Chris,

please allow me, to call you by your first name. You don't know me, but I know you since 1957. Your music was always with me.
I think they should make you and Pat a SIR!!

Good health and luck to you in the future!

Heiner Aumüller from München
Widmer Kurt
» 01.March 2010 um 17:05Uhr «
Lieber Mr. Barber
Als grosser Fan Ihrer Musik seit 1959 mit über 50 Konzertbesuchen gratuliere ich Ihnen zu Ihrem Lebenswerk und zum Geburtstag. Dürfen wir uns auf eine Jubiläumstour freuen mit möglichst vielen alten Dixieland- und New-Orleans-Nummern.
Happy birthday and all the best from Switzerland
Dora und Kurt Widmer
Frans van de Camp
» 01.March 2010 um 08:57Uhr «
Dear Chris,

I wish you a very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.
As a keen follower of your magnificent band I have visited numerous concerts (80) during the past 35 years and always look for opportunities to see and hear you play whenever I can. I enjoyed it very much when you and Pat joined our band (Savoy Jazzmen) during our 35th anniversary concert in Eindhoven in 1997.
I hope to see you again in the near future, keep swinging.


Frans van de Camp
» 28.February 2010 um 22:54Uhr «
Happy B-Day from Hamburg, Germany.
Hans Barth
» 28.February 2010 um 22:01Uhr «
From Holland, a happy birthday Mr. Barber.
chris kennedy
» 28.February 2010 um 19:14Uhr «
Happy birthday, mr. B.!
I so much enjoyed your last two concerts in Holland - as I did when I first saw you in Bradford in 1959!
As I've already told you, I owe my life-long love of jazz to you.
Hope you enjoyed my daft skiffle song!
Long life to you and your music!
Chris Kennedy
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