The Big Chris Barber Band in Aarberg, November 9, 2007

The photographs in this section of the page were taken by Andreas Wandfluh, one of the three members of the Chris Barber website team, at an evening concert in Aarberg, Switzerland, on November 9, 2007. Earlier that day, the Big Chris Barber Band played at a private function in Lenzburg; Andreas has posted photos of that date on his own Chris Barber website at

Left right in the photo above: Richard Exall, Dave Green, Tony Carter, Mike Snelling,
Pat Halcox, John Sutton, Mike Henry, Bob Hunt, Joe Farler, and Chris Barber.
The current Six-Piece Band:
Dave Green Mike Snelling, John Sutton, Pat Halcox, Joe Farler, and Chris Barber.
Covent Garden, 21 June, 2006
Chris Barber provided the photo below, and wrote:
"The other guy is one Jack Honeybourne....pianist of high reputation in UK.......when my first band started playing in 1950 at 51 Great Newport St., London (which several years later became the Ken Colyer Club) we played Sunday afternoons and Tuesday evenings......Jack played piano with Kenny Grahame's band (The "Afro-Cubists"!!) on Sunday evenings and my guys and I used to go and listen to them....we got friendly with the members of that band and one day some of them came to our session having never heard traditional jazz and were totally amazed that we obviously enjoyed their modern slightly latin-influenced jazz and yet played something so different!......The picture was taken during or after a Street Parade which I was asked to join which commemorates something to do with Covent Garden, the old fruit market now a tourist spot, and Jack happened along and he got the picture taken."
Zürich-Albisgüetli, April 10, 2008
Photographs by Andreas Wandluh
Three Photographs from Epe, July 2008
Photographs by Dennis Dekker, reproduced with his permission.
Please visit Dennis's website at
Photographs from Dortmund, Germany, August 2008
Photographs by Dörte Ritter; used by permission.

Photos from Katalin, Uppsala, Sweden, October 6, 2009
Photographs by Ingemar Perup, reproduced with his permission.

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